It's been way too long since I've updated this blog. All my blogging energy these past 3 months has been pretty much focused on my running blog. I'm so behind on this blog I don't even know where to start and what to update on.
Since I mentioned my running blog that you can visit here, I'll update on me first. Since August 1st I've been training for my first ever 1/2 marathon. 13.1 miles to be exact. I'm running in the Dallas WhiteRock Lake Marathon in exactly 4 weeks from today. In the beginning of my training I was running 4-5 times per week. Our schedules have gotten to hectic lately with Kris' work schedule and such that I've only been able to get out an run about 2 times a week. I have one 'long run' a week and I'm at about 10 miles on that run. Mid-week I'll run 4-6 miles and it's amazing to me that I can now say that running 4-6 miles isn't even hard for me anymore! This picture is a group of us from Team In Training that ran in the Heroes for Children 5K in September.

Kris is waiting tables at Rick's Chophouse. He works pretty much every night of the week except for Tuesdays and he's off on Sundays. So, those are basically the only times we see him now. He has a consulting job for Mineola Country Club, so he drives over there every Tuesday and spends the day there. He's working hard and a lot of hours. The work hours are tough because we never seem to see him anymore. The plus side of his hours is that he is able to stay at home with Maddox during the day. So, we're saving a ton of money of daycare.
The boys are as crazy as ever. Leyton is really thriving in 1st grade and doing very well with his reading. His teacher has put him in the accelerated reading program. That makes his mommy very proud, being the reader that I am. I hope he one day begins to enjoy reading like I do. Yesterday we finished up his first season of flag football. He really enjoyed playing football. I wasn't sure what to expect when we signed him up, but he turned out to be quite the football player. He said he liked playing because it's "like playing chase or tag". The coach either played him in QB or wingback position most the year and he was able to score 4 or 5 times this season. I'll scan his football picture and post that in another blog. He's quite photogenic (well, I'm a bit partial) as you'll see below:
Maddox is ornery! We got him pretty much potty-trained a few weeks before his 3rd birthday. We're still having some #2 issues that we're hoping he'll get over soon! As great as it is financially for us to have him stay at home with Kris, I'd really like to get him in a daycare after the first of the year. He's at a stage where he needs more structure & more discipline (from someone other than his parents). He's gotten quite the attitude and thinks he pretty much rules this house. A lot of it has to do with his personality. He's so different that Leyton ever was. He goes a mile a minute and has nothing on the Tazmanian Devel! During our recent photo shoot I took of the boys this picture was pretty much the only good one I got of him (and the lighting and focus could be much better). But, I'll take what I can with a 3 year old.