Ever since Kris started working nights at the restaurant, unfornately, the boys have had to spend more time with me at the daycare. Thankfully, it's free for them to come and play while I'm working. Friday and Saturday nights are the hardest is the late nights because we close at 10p thru the week and midnight on weekends. So, as much as I need the hours for $$, I really pray parents will come early so I don't have to keep the boys there so late. So, far there's only be 1 Saturday night we've had to stay until midnight. There have been a handful of nights the boys are there until 10p with me, but we're making it work!
These are just a few fun pictures I've taken recently of the boys playing at the daycare. Leyton is mostly into the video games, but Maddox LOVES everything at the daycare. Both boys have made a ton of friends in the year and a half I've worked there too!