This past week has been a really hard week on me. I've been bickering with some of my dearest online friends. Let me strike that, they aren't 'online friends' anymore, I truely consider 'in real life' friends. A brief history - I have known online these girls for going on 2 1/2 years. We met in an online website because we all were having babies with a due date the same week of August 2006. We are what you'd call a sisterhood of sorts. We became so close knit we moved our group off this well-known website to a private forum. This is a picture of 9 of us with our babies from a meet-up in Baltimore last summer.

Well, being that we're all women there's going to tend to be bickering and fighting every now and then, right? I mean, there are close to 20 of us and we all have different personalities, opinions, and viewpoints. As much as we're all very close friends, we can't all agree 100% of the time. There's been 2 or 3 times when one member of the group will do or say something that offends a lot of us and some bickering will start. Well, this past week was the first time in over 2 years I felt like our group may be splitting for good. Sadly, we're becoming divided. It really hurts to know that there are 3 or 4 members who have seperated themselves emotionally from our group and continued to have thier own little 'email' group, if you will. These 3-4 girls were hurt by something and instead of going straight to the people that hurt them, they chose to back away and not try to get things right again. I think the hardest thing I'm dealing with right now is the fact that of the 4 girls whom are pulling away emotionally from the group, 3 of them I really felt closest to in the group.
A part of me deep down feels like we're destined to become one again. I just can't imagine our group without them and I really hope they understand that. I really hope they reconsider and come back to our group. Here's another shot of some of us at another meet-up in Philadelphia this past January.