Okay, so yes, my main intentions for this page were really just a place to keep and post some photos. I'm not a writer nor am I a good story teller. I am so NOT a blogger. ;) But, lucky for you, I've got a lot weighing on my mind right now and I really need to get it off my chest. Where better than here, right? So...here we go!
As a lot of my close friends know, Kris just recently took a new job with an up and coming company in Addison. The company sells/installs water sensors on golf course irrigation systems, large corporate landscaping, municipal parks, etc. The sensor sends a message that the grass needs watering and/or has enough water and shuts off the irrigation so there is no overwatering. The whole concept is very smart and potentially can lead into great things because of how America is turning everything 'green' and environmentally friendly.
When Kris took the job on he was given a base salary, plus commissions on all new sales the company has. While they were in 'talks and negotiations' they pretty much told Kris they had 4 or 5 courses up and coming that they've almost 'sold' the product too and they had many meetings set up with courses in Las Vegas and Houston. Well, 60 days into the new job Kris is now learning they weren't really telling the truth. There's not really too much lined up and the product is harder to sell than he originally anticipated because it is so new.
Kris still believes in the company and he still believes that once it takes off, it will really take off. It's just that we were really hoping those commissions would be coming in much sooner. Bills are tight and raising this family is expensive. Each and every little commission that comes in will only help us pay down debt and save for a new house we so desperatly need. It will also allow me to finally quit this part-time job that I have. The question is now, how long does he stay and give them a chance? 6 months? A year?? I suppose only time will tell for now.